Meetings are Tuesday's at noon at the Lake County History Center.
Beginning February 4, 2025 we will be collecting plastic for recycling. Here is a link to a poster of acceptable items. We need to collect 1000 pounds by February 3, 2026. Help us reach our goal.
January 25, 2025
Our annual Holiday Party held at Redhawk Grille on January 25, 2025. Fun was had by all who were able to attend. Great food, camaraderie, friendship and fun!

Chris and Pam posing with holiday props.

Don posing with holiday props.
December 7, 2024
A few Rotary members volunteered to ring the bells for the Salvation Army at the Painesville Giant Eagle. Thank you to those who volunteered. These pictures only represent a few of our volunteers that day.

Anita Walters and Dave Franz kicked off the day and ended the day ringing the bells.

Julie O'Neil and Abby DelaMotte rang the bells.

New this year was Apple Pay.
December 10, 2024
Salvation Army giving tree donations from the Painesville Rotary.

July 16, 2024
The award presented to the Painesville Rotary by the Salvation Army.

Today was a wonderful day for the Painesville Rotary Club. The Painesville Rotary was awarded the "OTHERS" Award at the Annual Salvation Army Christmas in July Luncheon.
The "OTHERS" award dates back to 1912 when the founder of the Salvation Army, General William Booth sent a Christmas telegram to his soldiers with one word on it "OTHERS". It is in this spirit that the Salvation Army continues to serve others and it is with the same heart that the Salvation Army presents the "OTHERS" award to those institutions or individuals who have been outstanding examples of devoted service to the community.
Major Brian Peabody, General Secretary, The Salvation Army NEOSA presented the award to the Painesville Rotary and Maureen Conway, President accepted it.

Painesville Rotary Member, Major Alma Riley, The Salvation Army.

The members who attended the Christmas In July Luncheon.

October 8, 2024
Some of our members had a tour of the Lake County History Center. The History Center building was built in 1876. The building has been an infirmary, a hospital, a jail, a mental institution, and most recently a poor house. Benjamin Morse designed the building for $250 and Colonel McAllister built the home with 22 bedrooms for $30,000. One of the interesting things about the building is that there are 3 cells in the basements that may have confined the insane or epileptics when in use. There are several rooms on the first floor that hold historic articles from the past of Lake County.

One room is filled with doll houses. Here are Christy Magyar, Secretary and Chris Price showing the general store which is on display.

Christy Magyer standing in the sitting room of the family who ran the poor house. When families couldn't afford rugs during that time period, they painted them on the tiles on the floor.

Maureen Conway, President and Jerry Miller looking at the not so politically correct sign in sheet for the poor house.

Chris Price standing by the portrait in the Garfield room.

Jerry Walker looking at the desk of the first telegrapher in Lake County.
November 5, 2024
Dale Smith, District Governor came to speak at our meeting. He praised our club and all of the district clubs with their commitment to the Rotary. He said that he has seen great things going on all around the district and was pleasantly surprised with all of it. He spoke about the Magic of Rotary and passed pins out to some members. We as Rotarians create the magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member welcomed. The phrase came from a Rotarian working in the Dominican Republic. He was showing some kids how dirty water goes into an area and then turned on the faucet to clean water coming out. The kids he was speaking with said "make the magic again". Magic isn't a dream but a reality for all of us.
Dale spoke about his work with Rotary with joy. He actually was a new member in 5 different clubs because he had worked in several places. In one of the clubs he felt through his service and fellowship he actually changed from being a member of the Rotary, to a Rotarian.
At one of the clubs where he was a new member, the club asked survey questions about why he and others joined Rotary and why they stayed. He chose to and now wants to ask those survey questions of new members. One statistic that came out of the survey he worked on locally was when new members first answered the question about why they joined about 68% said for the service and 10% said for fellowship and friendship. When those people were asked the same questions later, 30% said for the service and 70% said for fellowship and friendship.
Dale has several goals as District Governor. One being membership and growth, the Endowment Fund, and Disaster Preparation. He will be providing the local clubs with a lot more information about the Disaster Preparation in the coming weeks, watch for his emails.
He also facilitated the start of the Lake County Sunrise Satellite Club a companion club for Mentor Rotary is for people who want to help their community and enjoy morning fellowship with like-minded people. He encouraged anyone to reach out to him if they have questions or would like to start a satellite club.

Dale Smith, District Governor